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Legal notice

Website owner:
AS Immobilier Sàrl

Site Creation / Web Agency
About the content of the website:

The company AS Immobilier Sàrl has exclusive ownership of the content, materials and information published on the website (hereinafter referred to as "this website") or holds the exclusive license rights.

AS Immobilier Sàrl endeavors in good faith to provide accurate, complete and current. Nevertheless, this site and its content, materials, information and software provided to users are provided "as is" and without warranty or guarantee of any kind, express or implied.

Access to this website and its use is at the risk of the user. AS Immobilier Sàrl can not be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental or punitive damages arising from the use of this site or be related to. Any content, material or information provided on this site may affect our sales conditions.

AS Immobilier Sàrl reserves the discretion to either totally or partially modify this site or discontinue the operation and does not feel obliged to announce it. Similarly, the Company has no obligation to update this site.

The hypertext links to third party websites does not imply endorsement of their content from AS Immobilier Sàrl, which can not be held responsible for their availability or content. Activating a link to these websites comes at the risk of the user.

Any reproduction, retransmission or other use of this site is strictly prohibited.

Any claim or proceedings related to this site or its use is subject to the laws of the country where the registered seat of AS Immobilier Sàrl.